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Makeova Ministry

Make Overs For The Soul

Apostle Julia

Pastor & Life Coach 


Let's unravel from your past.

Stabilize your current situation.

And press forward to a productive future.

Welcome To Makeova Ministry

Have you had your fair share of ugly situations in life?
Have the storms of life blown you outta shape at times?
Have years of wear and tear left wounds on your heart?
Are you still recovering from the wreckage of your past?
Are you currently in a rough spot?
Have you found yourself in a transitional season in life?

Then Makeova Ministry is for you.

I'm Apostle Julia and I believe in transformed lives through spiritual growth and practical application. My goal is to help others unravel from their past, stabilize their current situation, and assist them in pushing forward to an abundant future. Not by power, not by might,
but by the Spirit of God!! I promote mental and emotional maturity through teaching biblical principles. The bible says be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Choosing a different path in life is possible, but it starts in the mind. Changed minds, lead to changed lives. 

It's Makeover Time, Book Your Session Today.


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Makeova Ministry

(901) 550-8517

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Established 2016

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