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The Alter Call

Public·15 members

Notes from 11/19/23

The Importance of a Shepherd

Sheep are unaware of the world going on outside the sheep pin.

Ezekiel 34:1-24 Shepherds of Israel

Zechariah 10:1 - 5 them will be attacked because they have no shepherd, leader, covering

Zechariah 11: 1-17 the good + evil shepherd

Sheep dont undestand the full

measure of whats going on around them, they are spiritually blind. They do not understand the unseen world.

They do not understand the demonic attacks sent to destroy their families, mind, businesses and or marriage.

They do not understand the word curses and witchcraft working against them.

They wander aimelssly. They have to be led to water, protected from danger, sometimes the shephard has to break their legs of the sheep to keep them safe. The shepherd has to sheer the sheep also.

1 sam 17:34-37

David protected the sheep

(Pastors) Shepherd raise sheep

Prophets and apostles raise son and daughters

Elijah & Elisha

Paul & Timothy

Romans 10:14

How will they know

1 Corinthians 11:1 imitate me as I imitate Christ

John 5:19

I only do what I see my father do

| Corinthians 4:15

I became your Father when I taught you the gospel

(Don't leave your fathers house too soon)

2 Timothy 3:10-17

You know what I teach

Philippians 4:9

Put into practice all you have learned

1 Corinthians 13:11

when I was a child

Act 2:42

they devoted them selves to the apostles teaching

Hosea 4:6

my people perish for a lack of knowledge

Ephesian 6:12 we wrestle not against flesh and blood

Jeremiah 3:15, 11-18

Shepherds after His own heart

Membre inconnu
23 nov. 2023

Very good subject matter learning how to follow the good shepherd, and the people who placed in authority in my life


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